Hey! My name is Ellen Porter and I am a rising sophomore at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Currently, I am planning on double majoring in Business (with a concentration in international business) and Peace, War and Defense, with a minor in PPE - Philosophy, Politics, and Economics. Might end up completing coursework for minors in history and public policy but that is neither here nor there....
I hail from a small little town called Saxapahaw, which is about 20 minutes west of Chapel Hill, NC. However, due to identity issues and the general population's lack of geographical knowledge, I usually claim Chapel Hill as my hometown. Saxapahaw is an interesting country gathering of the three things a town needs: a gas station, a post office, and an abandoned river mill.
When not at school or travelling, I live on a small farm with my parents and two younger brothers. Sharing this farm with us are several emus, Scotch-Highland cows, chickens, a snake, and a dog named Zorro. (Not my pictures unfortunately)